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Various books

La Unidad Cerebro-Mente:
Una Diferencia muy Extraña

  Una diferencia nunca más extraña, como cuando aparece como una identidad completa. Conforme avanza la investigación cerebral, a pasos agigantados, las funciones mentales aparecen más que nunca intimamente vinculadas a lugares muy especificos del cerebro. ¿Es que estos avances nos permiten predecir que eventualmente las referencias al alma no tendrán sentído? Este librito empieza con tal predicción hecha recientemente por Francis Crick, que hace 50 anos fue el co-descubridor de la estructura doble espiral de los cromosomas. Queda, sin embargo, el hecho de que la biologia evolutiva o molecular y ni siquiera la investigación cerebral han descartado la enorme diferencia en el proceso bio-fisico del cerebro y las experiencias de consciencia mental relacionadas con ellos. Esta diferencia siendo la más extraña de todas las diferencias, hablara siempre de la realidad del alma por lo menos a aquellos que estan despiertos a tales diferencias. Estas, no lo olvidemos, sientan el principio esencial para reconocer la realidad, que es la base de todo debate intelectual. La sorprendente diferencia de las experiencias mentales basadas en datos cientificos acerca del cerebro se deberá mantener como un poderoso y memorable elemento que tienen que existir una mente, o un alma, lo cual es mucho más grande que el cerebro humano.

By Fr. Stanley L. Jaki

ISBN 978-0-9790577-9-3  •  36 pages  •  softcover  •  $3.00

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The Code Revealed
The fantasies in The Da Vinci Code and historical truth

    The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown is just a thriller, but it does not fail to inspire questions important for our very life. Is it true that, as Brown affirms, almost all that our fathers told us about Christ is false? Is it true that the divine nature of Christ was decided by a narrow majority at the Council of Nicaea in the year 325 A.D.? Is it true that up to then Jesus was perceived by his disciples only as a prophet, a great and powerful man, but just a man, not the Son of God? Is it true that the Apocryphal Gospels are more reliable than the Gospel we all know? Which were the criteria used by the Church to select the historical sources we have about Jesus? Is it true that the Apocryphal Gospel of Philip tells about a marriage between Jesus and Mary Magdalene?
    The Da Vinci Code may then be an occasion to search for a reliable and well documented answer, instead of just trusting a novel. The Code Revealed is a detailed answer to the fantasies of Dan Brown. With historical exactness and scientific documentation it describes the formidable sequence of Codes that transmitted the text of the Gospels to us along the centuries; criteria for their authenticity are defined, together with the reasons for excluding from the sources, as historically not trustworthy, the Apocryphal Gospels. A particular care is devoted to the historicity of the first announcement of the resurrection of Jesus, the very core on which the Christian faith is based. This is done having in mind Brownis pretense, according to which all religions are falsifications. The Code Revealed is a very useful text that helps one to counter the defamatory charges made about Christianity, and to remove doubts and perplexities that even a thriller can raise.

    Marco Fasol received a degree in philosophy from the Catholic University of Milan, and in Religious Sciences from the San Pietro Martire Institute in Verona (Italy). He is a teacher of history and philosophy at a secondary school in Verona. He contributed to the publication of the book Duemila anni di cristianesimo, writing the sections dealing with the Benedictines and Franciscans during the Middle Age, and with the Social Doctrine of the Church.

By Marco Fasol

ISBN 978-1-892539-17-5  •  xiv + 87 pages  •  softcover  •  $12

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1987 Templeton Prize

    The Addresses at the fifteenth presentation of The Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion, at Guildhall, London, Tuesday, 12th May, 1987.
    From the Introduction: Professor Stanley Jaki has offered the world in a series of highly original and learned works a reinterpretation of the history of science, which throws a flood of light on the relation of science and culture, and not least the relation of science and faith. He has revealed himself a complete master of the vast field (and literature) of astrophysics, and has grappled in a hitherto unparallelled way with the question of contingence in the Universe, as it develops from relativity theory and our exploration of the outermost bounds of the universe. This vast and profound understanding of contingence, which he is in the process of expounding in several major works on astrophysics, provides the context for a remarkable argumento for theism, in which in the context of the most rigorous modern science, we have a rehabilitation of the arguments for God, but this carries with it a grounding of a profound metaphysics at the same time, within and on the ground of pure science, and in sharp antithesis to the trends current in linguistic analysis and nominalist and positivist theories of science. Professor Jaki is also a deep theologian, whose Christian beliefs, far from being corroded by these researches in the nature and inquiries of science, are considerably strengthened.
    It is above all for his immense contribution to bridging the gap between science and religion, and his making room in the midst of the most advanced modern science for deep and genuine faith, that he received the Templeton Prize. A most devout and godly man, deeply committed to the Christian priesthood, he brings to his science the richness of his faith and to his faith the detailed thought of his science.

By Thomas F. Torrance, A.J.P. Kenny, Fr. Stanley L. Jaki, Donald English

ISBN [n/a]  •  20 pages  •  softcover  •  $7

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Fundamentos Éticos de la Bioética

Este libro contiene en la traduccion española diez ensayos realizados por un fisico y teologo de renombre internacional, quien se ha ganado su honorable reputación entre otras cosas, por un buen número de libros sobre historia y filosofia de la ciencia. El mensaje y contenido de este libro nos lo desvelan de manera patente los titulos de los ensayos:
  1. El Verdadero Origen del Hombre
  2. El Objetivo de Curar
  3. La Defensa de la Vida Natural y Sobrenatural
  4. Bioética Consecuente y Coherencia Cristiana
  5. Fundamentos Éticos de la Bioética
  6. La Dilución de la Esencia
  7. El Futuro de la Bioética y el Futuro del Alma
  8. La Metamorfosis de la Dignidad Humana
  9. La Sociedad Parasitica y sus Familias Parasitas
lO. Una Necesidad Urgente y Vanas Esperanzas: Bioética en el Tercer Milenio

   Todos estos ensayos constituyen un llamamiento a la toma de conciencia de lo que significa ser un verdadero seguidor de Jesucristo.

By Fr. Stanley L. Jaki

ISBN 84-934675-6-1   •   x + 108 pages   •   softcover   •   $12

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Converts to Rome

    To be a Christian is to be a convert. The word "convert" applies equally to cradle-born Catholics and to those who become Catholics as adults. The Catholic Church is the divinely established framework of the program of a conversion, which Christ presented as a thorough change of mind and heart (metanoia). While for a cradle-born Catholic the implementation of that program is usually a gradual process, for converts it contains a momentous act as they vote, so to speak, with their feet, on behalf of Truth, by joining the Church as the One True Fold, the Sole Ark of Salvation, to recall hallowed phrases dear to John Henry Newman, easily the greatest convert during the nineteenth century. The three quotations on the inside back cover come from three eminent English converts. What they state contains more theological truth than scores of volumes of the "new" ecclesiology which contains no calls for conversions. The list of notable converts as given in this book is far from complete. The Introduction explains the norms of selection and contains an appeal for further information about such who should have been included here.

By John Beaumont  •  Introduction by Fr. Stanley L. Jaki

ISBN 0-9774826-2-6  •  vi + 79 pages  •  softcover  •  $12

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Converts From Britain and Ireland in the 19th Century

The nineteenth century was a great period in the history of Britain and Ireland for conversions to the Catholic Church. Most of these converts came from Anglicanism, but they represented a wide range of interests and expertise. There were poets (for example, Hopkins, Dowson and Patmore), artists (Beardsley), men of law (Arnold and Hope-Scott), architects (Pugin and Scott), clergymen (Faber, Manning, Martindale and Newman) and representatives from many other trades and vocations. Some were eminent even before their "move to Rome," others almost completely unknown. Some found fame on their conversion, others suffered greatly for their zeal for the one true fold of Christ. Some came into the Church relatively early in life, whilst others entered at the final hour, even whilst on their death bed. The aim of this book is to summarize their lives and explain (by reference to quotations from their writings) why they entered the Catholic Church. This volume is a companion to the author's earlier book, Converts to Rome: A Guide to Notable converts from Britain and Ireland during the Twentieth Century, also published by Real View Books.

By John Beaumont  •  Introduction By Fr. Stanley L. Jaki

ISBN 978-0-9790577-1-7  •  viii + 121 pages  •  softcover  •  $14

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Jewish Converts

    One of the best kept secrets is that converts from Judaism have not become a trickle. A small proof of this is this booklet. It presents a list of Jewish converts who have become notable for their articulate accounts of the reasons that prompted them to enter the Catholic Church as the gathering of those who are Abraham's descendants by faith. All those converts voted with their feet, an expression that harks back to President Kennedy's characterization of the move of those who risked a great deal by crossing the Berlin Wall. While apostolate to promote the conversion of Jews has become suspect in some Catholic circles and is outright odious in some Jewish eyes, the duty to espouse God's full truth, given only in His Son, Jesus, remains paramount.

By John Beaumont  •  Introduction by Fr. Stanley L. Jaki

ISBN 978-0-9790577-8-6  •  32 pages  •  softcover  •  $3

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Through Moral Crises to Catholicism

    This booklet contains the text of the reply which Sigrid Undset (1882-1949), a Nobel Laurate novelist, sent, shortly after she received the Prize in 1927, to a Catholic priest in Oslo. By then Sigrid Undset had been a Catholic for three years and an active member of the little Catholic community in Norway, or rather, in Oslo. The priest wanted to know why Sigrid Undset referred time and again to marriage as a sacrament, although it was a mere contract for Protestants and even more so to wholly secularized Norwegians. Her reply is a masterpiece in theology and moral philosophy, but written with an immediacy characteristic of a great novelist, who could have easily become one of the outstanding Catholic apologists of the twentieth century. First published in the Norwegian Catholic periodical Credo, the Reply to a parish priest first appeared in English translation in 1934 in Stages on the Road, a collection of her essays on the Catholic past, and remained buried in that collection, although it would have deserved to be put in wide circulation in a pamphlet form. In the Introduction Fr. Stanley L. Jaki gives also an account of Sigrid Undset's life as being the essential background of her great literary and apologetic activity and shows why the Reply to a paris priest should have been given the title, Through moral crises to Catholicism.

By Sigrid Undset  •  Introduction by Fr. Stanley L. Jaki

ISBN 0-9794826-9-3  •  32 pages  •  softcover  •  $5

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