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Fr. STANLEY L. JAKI (1924-2009)
Stanley Ladislas Jaki, a Hungarian-born Catholic priest of the Benedictine Order, was Distinguished University Professor at Seton Hall University, South Orange, New Jersey. With doctorates in theology and physics, for over 40 years he specialized in the history and philosophy of science. The author of over 50 books and more than 350 articles, he served as Gifford Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh and as Fremantle Lecturer at Balliol College, Oxford. He lectured at major universities in the United States, Europe, and Australia. He was an honorary member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, a membre correspondant of the Académie Nationale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts of Bordeaux, and the recipient of the Lecomte du Noüy Prize for 1970 and the Templeton Prize for 1987.​
In addition, Fr. Jake founded the Real View Books publishing house, whose Reprint Series brings back into print books that are significant to the understanding and defense of Christian doctrine and culture. Each of these books has an instructive introduction by Fr. Jaki. A good number of books by Fr. Jaki on the relation between Science and Religion, and on Theology, are also published by Real View Books, and are available on this site.
In 2002 Fr. Jaki published his "intellectual autobiography," A Mind's Matter. In 2005 he published another booklet with some autobiographical material: Fifty Years of Learning. The second edition (July 2009) of a book about Stanley Jaki by Paul Haffner, entitled Creation and Scientific Creativity: A Study in the Thought of S.L. Jaki, is also available through this website. The reader will find in this book the first systematic treatment of the ideas in Fr. Jaki's more than four-decades-long studies that earned him the highest forms of recognition.
A complete list of Fr. Jaki's publications can be found here.​
Fr. Jaki's obituary in The New York Times can be found here.
Fr. Jaki's obituary in The London Times can be found here.