To Rebuild Or Not To Try? [The Jerusalem Temple] (12016)
Although our big newspapers report only on occasion about efforts aimed at rebuilding the TempIe in Jerusalem, those efforts are more intensely planned than one may suspect. In none of those reports does one find even a vague allusion to a monumental failure of a major effort, initiated by none other than Julian the Apostate in January 363. The enterprise, which energized Jewish enthusiasm, had to be aborted no sooner than it had begun. The reason was a series of events, truly miraculous when taken together: earthquake, violent winds, eruption of fire from the ground, and the spectacular appearance of a cross in the sky. Most educated Catholics do not seem to be aware of all this. Yet the historical evidence is beyond any dispute. The documents are presented here concisely and meticulously by a Catholic scholar, internationally known for his books on the relation of science and faith.
By Fr. Stanley L. Jaki
ISBN 978-1-892548-06-1 • 32 pages • softcover