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The Pillar of Fire (17012)

The Pillar of Fire (17012)

SKU: 17012
  • From the Introduction:
        I first read The Pillar of Fire shortly after it was first published, back in the Fifties. I did not see then its true value in full, perhaps because true values were still in honor at that time. When browsing in a crummy bookstore in late May of 2000 I spotted an almost pristine paperback copy, I did not suspect that I would spend much of the next night reading. I immediately decided to bring it out in the Real View Books Reprints series. Through a chance remark of mine I learned that the association "Remnant of Israel" had already decided on its republication. In writing this Introduction my sole purpose was to call attention to points in this book that will keep it a pillar of fire for those to whom Karl Stern intended it: for Jews to understand his conversion or rather to understand through it something supremely important to them; and for Catholics that they may see beneath fashionable platitudes of Judeo-Christian phraseology what truly makes Jews their brothers. To Bernard Nathanson the reading of The Pillar of Fire was like being touched "by the hand of God." May Karl Stern's classic continue, through this edition, its God-given mission.

    By Karl Stern  •  Introduction by Fr. Stanley L. Jaki

    ISBN 978-1-884660-12-2  •  xxviii + 310 pages  •  softcover

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