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Christianity and the Leaders of Modern Science (17008)

Christianity and the Leaders of Modern Science (17008)

SKU: 17008
  • Father Karl A. Kneller (1857-1942), was a Jesuit Church historian, but one fully alive to the needs of Catholics and Christians in his day, the closing decades of the Nineteenth century. He regaled them with a splendid "contribution to the history of culture in the nineteenth century". Those decades were reverberating with the claim that science had discredited the Christian Creed and that scientists, by and large, had abandoned religious convictions as the final obstacles to a human culture steeped in science. Father Kneller tracked down the record which fully disclosed the falsity of that claim. His book bursts with information, not easily available elsewhere and certainly not in a similarly impressive synthesis.

    By K.A. Kneller  •  Introduction by Fr. Stanley L. Jaki

    ISBN 978-0-9641150-4-0  •  xxvii + 403 pages  •  softcover 

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